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Zero Pollution

Even one drop of spilled fuel can contaminate thousands of gallons of water. Unlike combustion engines, Torqeedo drives do not discharge any fuel or exhaust into the water, there is no possibility of water contamination that may take place during refueling, and no oil that can pollute the water due to a leaking coolant system.

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Complete Peace and Quiet

Electric motors are quieter and cause less vibrations onboard than a typical combustion.

Completely submerse yourself in the natural environment on your next aquatic adventure.


Unmatched Performance and Efficiency

Torqeedo is focused on optimizing propulsive power and overall efficiency. In fact, Torqeedo drives boast the highest overall efficiency on the market.

For example, the Travel motor can propel a light boat more than 10 nautical miles and only consume the equivalent of 40 g of gasoline.


Simple and Convenient

Simply unplug when you are ready to go boating, and plug back in when you are done!

Torqeedo Engines have a focus around ease of use. Built with high-quality, lightweight materials, Torqeedo engines are portable, easy to handle and store.